NC3 Cloud Contact Centre FAQs

  • What are the hardware/software requirements to use NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre?

    In terms of hardware, you need a landline, mobile phone or can use a softphone provided by NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre. For software, you will require an internet-connected device (computer, tablet or smartphone) running IE9 or later, Google Chrome, Safari or FireFox.

  • Do I need to install any software/hardware to use NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre?

    No, NC3 will work out of the box with your existing infrastructure.

  • What are benefits of ‘cloud’ based solutions?

    Cloud based solutions enable users to access advanced technology on-demand, without having to deploy and manage the infrastructure. It outsources the specialized contact centre software component to the experts. This results in greater reliability, flexibility, scalability and access to features/functionality while reducing the total cost of operating and owning the solution.

  • Can I add more agents?

    Yes, your supervisors have the ability to add agents in real-time. Just create a login for the agent and the agent will be able to access the system immediately.

  • Can I add queues/skills?

    Yes, your supervisors have the ability to add queues and skills in real time.

  • I am expecting higher call volumes for a day/week/month, are you able to accommodate this?

    Absolutely. In fact, you do not even need to let us know, the technology is designed to scale to your requirements and will take the additional call volume without any changes.

  • I would like to keep my existing Toll Free and/or local number?

    That’s not a problem, your existing number can either be pointed to a number on the NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre or we can port your local and/or toll free number to our platform. You remain the owner of the number at all times and if you decide to switch, the number can be just easily ported elsewhere.

  • Do you provide reporting?

    Absolutely. Reporting is one of the strengths of our platform – it provides you with the tools you need to manage your contact centre operations. The platform offers many real-time and historical reports as well as the raw underlying data (Call Detail Records) for export. Contact us for a demo or if you have specific requirements. In addition to standard reports, we are able to produce custom reports to meet your management requirements.

  • Does your cloud contact centre platform record calls?

    Yes, NC3 comes with 100% call recording included in the price.

  • Does your cloud contact centre platform provide remote monitoring functionality?

    Yes, NC3 has remote monitoring capability.

  • Our contact centre is mission critical and we require 100% uptime.

    NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre comes with 100% uptime guarantee. We accomplish this by hosting the platform in two geo-redundant professionally run data centres. Each data centre has multiple layers of power, HVAC, connectivity redundancy - including diesel generators.

  • My contact centre data has to remain in Canada.

    NuVoxx cloud contact centre is hosted in Canada. All of our data centres are located in Canada as are our carrier interconnects.

  • I have an IVR requirement for self-service, payment processing or account lookup which require integration with my CRM/Billing System/Payment Gateway.

    This is not a problem. NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre includes a powerful IVR engine which can easily integrate with external data sources.

  • I do not have an “IT” person on staff. Will I be able to use the system?

    Yes, NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre is designed with non-technical users in mind. Your management and agents only need to be able to use Internet and a phone to master the NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre platform.

  • I have an old phone system, will I need to upgrade it?

    No, you can continue using the phone system you have.

  • How will my agents connect to the NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre?

    Your agents need to be able to access the Internet for the screen application and to dial a local number, to log in via phone for the voice portion of the system.

  • I have many different campaigns/skills, will NuVoxx Cloud Contact Centre be able to support this?

    Yes, there is no limit on the number of queues / skills you can set up.

  • My contact center is 24×7, how do I get support?

    NuVoxx will assign a dedicated Technical Account Manager to you as well as provide a 24x7 support number, in case you require support and are unable to get a hold of the Technical Account Manager.


Have more questions? Let’s get in touch!